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Their unification could spell the doom for the Free Peoples and the player is sent to observe the meetings in the rags of a slave prisoner. For his valuable information, Ayorzén is offered a royal pardon and allowed to stay in the Kingdom of Gondor.Īn intercepted message reveals that Gúrzyul and the other Masters of Mordor prepare for a joint meeting. Other than the Mouth of Sauron the known Gúrzyul are Captain of the Pit Ugrukhôr, Urudanî Stonemaiden and Lhaereth the Stained, Sauron's chief poisoner responsible the Great Plague that ravaged Eriador, Rhovanion and Gondor 1,500 years ago. The player ventures deep into Mordor to find more about the Gúrzyul and learns that they are former mortals whose lives have been unnaturally extended by Sauron, though unlike the Nazgûl they are still tied to their bodies and can be slain. The interrogation of Ayorzén reveals that Mordor still poses many dangers as the Gúrzyul, powerful servants of Sauron, have unlike the Nazgûl outlasted their master and still present a great threat for the Free Peoples. Though his terms are absolutely rejected, the offer itself betrays his weakness and reveals that Sauron's Heir's dominion over Mordor is far from the total that he boasts. His tone changed since the battle at the Black Gate, the Mouth of Sauron offers to recognize Aragorn's authority as the King of Gondor and become his subject in exchange for being allowed to rule what remained of Mordor. He asks to treat with King Elessar, who chooses the player as his representative. The player chases the Easterling named Ayorzén and after capturing him, delivers him to Gandalf for questioning.Ĭhapter 2 - The Light of Eärendil Īn unexpected messenger emerges from the Black Land: the Mouth of Sauron survived the downfall of his master and had proclaimed himself Sauron's Heir and The Ruler of Mordor. While exploring the former Gondorian fortress of Durthang, the player accidentally releases a fearsome Easterling chieftain among other prisoners.

Some are searching for knowledge, some for treasure and some - for vengeance against Sauron's remaining servants. With the Dark Lord defeated and the Black Gate overthrown, the Free People of Middle-Earth venture into Mordor for the first time in a thousand years. Storyline Chapter 1 - Where the Shadows Lie 1.6 Chapter 6 - Wood, Lake, Mountain, and Stone.1.5 Chapter 5 - Legacy of the Necromancer.Unlike the preceding Epic Quests which were available to free-to-play players or those subscribers who did not purchase previous expansion, the access to the "Black Book of Mordor" requires the purchase of either " Mordor" or the subsequent Minas Morgul expansion. To signify the importance of concluding the main story of The Lord of the Rings, the next Epic Story is not called a "Volume" but rather simply "The Black Book of Mordor". The release of Mordor expansion coincided with the Ninth and final Book of Volume IV: The Strength of Sauron which depicted the destruction of The One Ring and the following celebration at the Field of Cormallen in Ithilien.

It raised the game's level cap from 105 to 115 and added a new Plateau of Gorgoroth region in Mordor, which the Free People of Middle-Earth begin to explore following the downfall of Sauron, as well as a new cluster of end-game Instances and a Raid. The Lord of the Rings Online: Mordor is the sixth expansion for The Lord of the Rings Online MMORPG, released on July 31, 2017. 2017 video game The Lord of the Rings Online: