In the alias provide the name vc_update_repo and Physical path where zip folder is extracted. In the IIS Manager right click on the Default Web Site, click Add Virtual Directory. Next open Server Manager on the IIS server, go to Tools and click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Now inside the vc_update_repo folder there are two folders - manifest and package-pool. On the web server I created a folder vc_update_repo, Copied downloaded VMware vCenter Server Appliance update bundle zip file and extracted it. I have already setup Microsoft Windows IIS (Internet Information Services) web server.
Install an SSL-TLS Certificate In Microsoft IIS web server Install and Configure IIS Web Server on Windows Server To start configuration I downloaded latest version of VMware vCenter Server Appliance update bundle zip file from the my. In my design I chose to use a web based vCenter server update system. I have patched/updated vCenter server multiple times using ISO file in the past and wrote blog - Patching the vCenter Server Appliance VCSA. but whenever updating/patching vCenter server, I had to maintain ISO file repository, but I wanted to have centralized system and automated way from where I can update vCenter servers in my farm from web server.